4×4 trip to Tunisia: An unforgettable adventure with the dune specialists

4×4 trip to Tunisia: An unforgettable adventure with the dune specialists

L’aventura va commençar el 13 d’agost del 2022. Sis dies de viatge per les dunes a Tunisia, a bord dels nostres vehicles 4×4 especialment preparats. From the first weekend to the darrer day, every moment will be a testimony of why you are reconeguts with experts in dunes.

The route ens va portar a través d’una sèrie de destins sorprenents. In Ksar Ghilane, the heat of the Tunisian desert is going to merge with the freshness of the thermal aigües d’un oasi amagat. A Hammamet, Matmata Nouvelle, i Er Rached, experience the rich culture and the Tunisian hospitality. Travessem Timbain, Dkanis i Douz, abans d’entrar per Kamur, the great wall of dunes.

At the end of the route, the challenges from the dunes to Tunisia will be constants. Des de pistes de sorra fins a rius de sorra, i per descomptat, moltes, moltes dunes. But with the Territory4x4, the expert guides to Tunisia, there will be a problem. Every obstacle is going to become an opportunity for Gaudí and adventure.

L’allotjament durant el nostre viatge 4×4 to Tunisia will be a high point to highlight. Alternanem entre els millors hotels de Tunisia i nits d’acampada sota les estrelles al desert. From sleeping in a fine house to a four-star hotel on the coast of the desert, each night was a unique experience.

The local delicacy will be a constant delicacy, with the Brick tunisià as a star plate. I, per descomptat, no podríem oblidar les nits d’acampada, on vam aprendre a fer pa de sorra del desert dels vilatans, i les excursions per buscares roses del desert.

In short, our 4×4 trip to Tunisia will be a perfect combination of adrenaline, cultural discovery and natural beauty. If you are looking for an adventure through the dunes to Tunisia, with the Territory4x4, the experts in dunes, ets a les millors mans.

We hope that you will join us on our own expedition and experience the emotion of revisiting the incredible landscapes with Territory4x4. End to your own adventure!

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