Irresistible Adventure to Route 61: From Chicago to New Orleans with Territory4x4
A Territori4x4, ens vam especialitzar en oferir experiències de viatge uniques, i la nostra expedició d’agost de 2022 per la mítica Ruta 61 als Estats Units no será l’excepció. Aquest viatge organitzat als Estats Units, realitzat per un grup de 15 aventurers espanyols i dos guies experts de Territori4x4, és una prova que l?aventura no coneix d’edats ni fronteres.
Start our adventure to Chicago, a city full of history and culture. From the tour with the winds of its fine canals to the surprising panoramic view from the Skydeck of the Willis Tower, the City of Vents will offer an unparalleled experience. The journey to the Estats Units will continue along Route 61, called “the blues route”, a path that will lead to discover the authentic America.
The road to New Orleans will be full of surprises and emotions. To Memphis, walk along historic Beale Street and visit the Sun Studio, one of the world’s most famous registration studios, and the impressive Museu dels Drets Civils. Follow the route from the fine blues to Clarksdale, on the gaudim de l’hospitalitat de Morgan Freeman to the seu club i restaurant, a stop that goes from the trip to Route 61 a unique veritablement experience.
Vicksburg and Natchez will also be memorable stops on this family trip to the Estats Units. Experience the magic of the south to the plantation of Oak Alley, and discover the enchantment and mystery of the famous haunted house. Tot això mentre gaudíem de la comoditat dels millors hotels i de l’exquisida gastronomia local.
Our organized journey to the USA will culminate in vibrant New Orleans, where you’ll be mervent with the city’s rich culture and lively nightlife. Back to Spain, ens portem records that will last a lifetime.
Drive to the Route 61 in a utility vehicle, select and prepare to satisfy our needs. All that you don’t have difficulty on the road thanks to the expert guide of our team of Territori4x4, this route is also a perfect option for those who live the experience in a Mustang type sport.
A Territori4x4, creiem que cada viatge és una oportunitat per descobrir, aprendre i créixer. Si cerques un viatge als Estats Unidades diferent, fora de les rutes turístiques convencionals, et convidem a joir-te a la nostra propera aventura. Route 61 awaits.